
“True love is selfless. …
March 2024

I know you don’t feel safe right now. I know it feels like the world is shifting beneath you, faster than the time it takes to find your feet. I know how uncertain everything feels to you and how much pain you are carrying.

I could tell you that it will get better soon, that you can close your eyes and magically return to that place where everything felt okay, that from here on out it’s going to be an easy ride.

But I won’t tell you any of that because it would be a lie, and I would never lie to you.
The truth is I don’t know if it gets better soon and returning isn’t much of an option now you’ve seen what you’ve seen, now you’ve lived what you’ve lived, now you’ve lost what you’ve lost.

What I can tell you is that you are not alone. That I am right here with you and I will hold your hand for as long as it takes for you to steady yourself and as you learn how to move those feet forwards again.
It’s not easy, this life.

Some days come along and knock you down harder than you’ve ever been knocked down before. And then another comes by and does the same, and you wonder how you ever managed to get up the first time.
And it hurts. It really, really hurts.

Tell me where it hurts.